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  • What is new in Prolaborate 5.4.0?

      • New Features
      • 🌟 Read EA Journals entries within Prolaborate
        • Users can read the journal entries added by modelers using Sparx EA from Prolaborate.
      • 🌟 Read EA & Prolaborate Discussions together in a single view
        • Discussions added using Sparx EA can be viewed by users from Prolaborate.
        • Model security must be enabled in Sparx EA to view EA discussions.
      • 🌟 View EA Chats
        • Chat added using Sparx EA can be read from Prolaborate by Users.
        • Model Security must be enabled to activate Chats.
        • Chats can be viewed only by users of the Model security.
      • 🌟 Integration Map
        • Visualize information flow between the objects of the same type, such as Applications/APIs within a repository using the new Integration Map.
        • The chart differentiates the role of objects that are either consumers, providers, or both based on underlying data.
        • Customize the colors/texts on the legend.
        • Filter the data of charts using conditions.
      • 🌟 Curate dashboards on a single dashboard
        • The Dashboard Widget allows us to organize multiple individual dashboards into one unified dashboard.
        • The functionality will enable users to see information and insights from different perspectives in one place without switching between dashboards.
      • 🌟 Review Summary as a PDF report
        • Participants of a review can preview and download a review summary as a report for offline assessments, approvals, and more.
        • Review details such as participants, actions, and discussions are captured as part of a review summary report.
      • 🌟 Easily spot and navigate to external data sources imported via PCS
        • Prolaborate captures the integration properties and recognizes artifacts created or imported from external applications such as Jama, Jira, Azure DevOps, Polarion, ServiceNow, etc., integrated through Pro Cloud Server.
        • Prolaborate differentiates the artifacts with an overlay icon for imported artifacts.
        • Navigate to the data source from the properties form or overview page using clickable links.
      • 🌟 Advanced Search for Attributes, Operations, and Custom Properties
        • Users can now find artifacts in the repository using attributes, operations, custom properties, and their values.
        • Unnamed artifacts are now displayed at the end of the search result.
      • 🌟 Receive Email Notification for Review Closure
        • The author receives an email notification when a reviewer or approver completes their review.
      • 🌟Introducing Public APIs
        Prolaborate APIs are published as public APIs, allowing users to do the below operations.
        • Generate sharable links for Elements, Diagrams, Packages, Dashboards, Charts & Reports via APIs.
        • Create Repositories using API.
        • Manage Prolaborate specific Users and User Groups via APIs.
      • 🌟 Generate Shareable links in Sparx Enterprise Architect
        • Generate shareable links for artifacts in Sparx EA.
    Version 5.4.0
    Coming Soon
  • 5.3.0

      25-JUN-2024   Build number V5.3.0.291   Upgrade - SQL Schema   Upgrade - MySQL Delimit Schema     Installation - SQL Schema    Installation - MySQL Schema    Prolaborate Macro for Confluence    EA Add-in    Diagram Editor    Confluence Data Migrator 

      • New Features
      • 🌟 Easily Publish Sparx EA Model Information in MS SharePoint (Read More)
        • Due to the significant demand for publishing Sparx EA model information to MS SharePoint, we have introduced Prolaborate Macro for MS SharePoint (Cloud Only).  
        • As most organizations generally use SharePoint as their information portal, Prolaborate Macro for SharePoint Cloud will help large enterprise teams communicate architectural information to a wider audience. 
      • 🌟 Access Prolaborate in Different Languages (Read More)
        • By incorporating a language selection option, we can empower users from different linguistic backgrounds and make navigating Prolaborate's interface easy and understandable.
        • The feature is crucial for our global audience as we promote effective communication and ensure that users from different linguistic backgrounds can fully engage with and benefit from the application's features.
        • The Prolaborate User Interface can now be changed to other languages, such as Arabic, French, and Dutch.
        • From the next version (5.4), customers can access Prolaborate in Japanese and Spanish; we are working with our customers and partners to make this available soon. 
      • 🌟 Access Prolaborate Resources in One Place (Read More)
        • Most of Prolaborate’s resources (widgets, reports, dashboards, etc.) are scattered across the application under different menus and have not benefitted many users because they are unaware of such features. Prolaborate introduces Resources Manager, which brings all the reusable resources under a common library. With a lot of focus on usability, we believe the feature will deliver a better user experience and value to users.  
        • Introducing the Resources Manager to manage the resources. As a first step, we have included Widget Library and Report Configuration under Resources Manager.  
        • Resources like Dashboards and many others will be included in the next versions. 
      • 🌟 Resources ManagerWidget Library (Read More)
        • Prolaborate introduces the Widget library, a place to manage all widgets within a repository. From the widget library, you can create, Edit, Update, and Publish Reports and Charts. Users can easily publish widgets to multiple dashboards with just a few clicks.  
        • The new feature under Resources Manager replaces an existing feature, Widget Template, from the earlier versions. 
      • 🌟 Resources ManagerReports Configuration (Read More)
        • Report Configuration, which allows us to create and store reports, has been moved under Resources Manager.  
        • All the existing capabilities of Reports Configuration have been retained. 
      • 🌟 Receive Reminder Notification about Review Closure (Read More)
        • Reminders about pending actions are sent via email and in-app notifications to users who are yet to complete their task(s).  
        • The new feature prompts users to conduct their review actions promptly. 
      • Improvements
      • 📤 Dashboard Enhancements 
        • Export and import multiple dashboards, including all widgets and dependent configurations, from one repository to another. (Read More)
        • An option to override the existing dashboard and its resources is introduced to replace the existing dashboard configuration if the repository already has that dashboard. (Read More) 
        • Multiple dashboards can now be selected and deleted with just a few clicks.   
        • As a usability enhancement, we have modified the workflow for saving dashboards. When saving a new or existing dashboard after editing, the application automatically redirects to the dashboard page. In contrast, the older versions redirect to the dashboard listing page. 
        • Note: Dashboards exported from previous versions of Prolaborate (5.2 or below) are incompatible with Prolaborate 5.3 and above and vice versa. Users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version and then try the export and import feature/option 
      • 📤 Accessibility Enhancement – Set a Font Size (Read More)
        • As part of web accessibility standards, Prolaborate allows font size customization. Admins can set a minimum font size of 12px and a maximum of 14px. The selected font size will be reflected across the application for better readability and accessibility. 
      • 📤 Overview Page Enhancements (Read More)
        • In the new version, additional details of attributes and operations such as Name, type, and notes are displayed in a table format on the Element Overview Page. 
      • 📤 Deliver a better viewing experience for Diagrams (Read More)
        • The new setting enables the 'Fit to Screen' option for diagrams across the repository, so diagrams are always launched in Fit to Screen mode. 
        • Note: The diagrams published in Confluence and SharePoint will also be displayed based on the Fit to Screen configuration. 
      • 📤 List the default number of rows (Read More)
        • A new option is introduced in General Settings, which allows admin users to configure the number of rows displayed in a data table across the application.
      • 📤 Understand and resolve Domain and SAML Certificate related issues quicker 
        • With advanced validation techniques for Domain and SAML certificates, Prolaborate identifies and automatically rejects SAML certificates that have expired or become invalid or when the password is incorrect during configuration. (Read More)  
        • Similarly, the SSL certificate for a domain is also validated upon configuring an HTTPS connection in the Prolaborate Management application. 
      • 📤 Retain filters in search (Read More)
        • Keywords entered & filters applied in searches are retained when returning to the previous page. 
        • The enhancement is developed for searches on charts, reports, and repositories. 
        • Sharing a report with the filter applied is now possible. 
      • 📤 Active Directory
        • The 'Active Directory—Add User' page includes additional information, such as each AD user's first and last name.   
        • Prolaborate Admins can search AD users by first or last name.   
        • Access permissions from multiple Access Control Profiles are granted to actual Active Directory users, even if they belong to various user groups. 
      • 📤 Support for IP Ranges in Manage Application Restrictions (Read More)
        • Restrict or Access applications not just by IPs but also based on IP ranges in the form of CIDR notation to manage application access. 
      • 📤 Notification
        • Instead of sending all the emails from the queue, notifications from the last 24 hours will only be sent via email if the mailer service is restarted. 
        • Even though a user has set his notification setting to participate, the user receives a notification even without a tag when someone replies to a discussion created by the user. 
      • 📤 General Enhancements
        • Notes of operation are now visible in the Property Window. 
        • Proxy Connectors are removed from the listing in the Prolaborate’s repository browser. 
        • Prolaborate displays ’Artifact Not Found’ as an error message when navigating to Prolaborate using the deleted artifact link from Jira instead of ‘No Response.’ 
        • A valid error message is displayed on the repository listing page if the Pro Cloud Server license has expired. 
        • Introduced an option to remove Super Admin from Prolaborate by another admin user. 
        • The logged-in username is now displayed on the password reset screen.  
        • The reset password option is removed for AD and SSO users. 
        • Email template types are now listed in alphabetical order. 
        • The error log downloaded from the Prolaborate Health Check page is now stored under the new path ProlaborateApp\wwwroot\Logs\ErrorLogZip. 
        • We have introduced a progress bar in the Data Migrator App to indicate migration progress. 
        • Select All option is introduced in the display columns dropdown of the tables in charts, reports, and overview page. 
      • 📤 License Validation
        • Prolaborate services such as Mailer, Automation, and Push Notification stop if the license is expired. 
      • 📤 Charts
        • Introduced an 'Unclassified' category to the Roadmap chart, grouping objects with null or empty values for a selected property in the Group By field. 
    • Bug Fixes

    • 🐞 User-friendly error messages were added for issues identified in SAML Just In Time.
    • 🐞 Resolved Access Denied error for SSO Users in the Cloud Auto Scaling environment.
    • 🐞 Admin can modify access permission for a dashboard if the dashboard author is removed from the application.
    • 🐞 Sort by Name (Ascending) works in the Roadmap chart and behaves as expected.
    • 🐞 Adding or removing values for the 'DiagramRef' Custom Property functions as expected.
    • 🐞 A filtered discussion list is instantly updated when the status of a discussion is modified on the discussion window. 
    • 🐞 Modifying the timeline from the settings page within a roadmap chart built using query works as expected. 
    • 🐞 The issue of importing custom properties without selecting the XML file has been resolved.
    • 🐞 Adding an already existing AD user to Prolaborate is now disabled.
    • 🐞 The issue where 'ANONYMOUS NULL' was displayed upon clicking the profile icon in publicly shared artifacts has been resolved.
    • 🐞 Artifact names and breadcrumbs no longer appear on the repository listing page following certain actions.
    • 🐞 Configuration missing in the existing card widgets after upgrading to Prolaborate 5.2 is restored.
    • 🐞 Display column names in a report using desired letter cases and aliases within SQL query syntax.
    • 🐞 On click of the ' Back to Repository ' button, navigate to the repository listing page.
    • 🐞 Data migrator migrates large data successfully from V3 to V5.
    • 🐞 Deleting existing lifecycle configurations is possible even if the respective Modeling Language has already been removed from Prolaborate.
    • 🐞 In hierarchical charts, the direction type in the builder displays the expected values while editing.
    • 🐞 The creation of the Specialization Connector from Matrix view now works.
    • 🐞 For MySQL users, the report widget now displays the required information on the dashboard, even if their EA database is of a case-sensitive type.
    • 🐞 Logging of technical information when syncing AD users' information is now removed.
    • 🐞 A user's active session is terminated when an admin initiates the reset password function.
    • 🐞 Clicking on the 'Go to Widget' button on the notification page now navigates to the widget.
    • 🐞 Stereotype dropdown filter present all over the application now displays the intended list.
    • 🐞 The download option is now visible even if a widget contains multiple widget blocks.
    • 🐞 Users are redirected to the login page when clicking on a diagram widget shared via the iFrame URL.
    • 🐞 Previously enabled repository share is disabled if Open Community Access is excluded when updating a new license.
    • 🐞 A User-friendly error message is displayed to Invited Collaborators whose access has been revoked. 
    • 🐞 A User-friendly error message is displayed when an invalid domain is entered as an input for Application Restrictions.
    • 🐞 Repository sharing works as expected, even if the alias name is given in languages other than English.
    • 🐞 Users can tag a root package as a resource in any discussion comments.
    • 🐞 The PDF document downloaded from discussions displays discussion comments added in other languages.
    • 🐞 Custom icons set for UML artifact types are displayed properly on the artifact overview page.
    • 🐞 'Bad Request' issue related to the EA database of type ‘PostgreSQL’ in Linux environment are fixed.
    • 🐞 Issues related to the EA database of type ‘Oracle’ are fixed. 
    • 🐞 Form designer configurations are retained when updating a Modeling Language in Prolaborate. 
    • 🐞 Rendering of diagrams with proxy connectors works as expected when published via Confluence Macro. 
    • 🐞 Users are now able to filter the UML::Part stereotype from the report. 
    • 🐞 AD users can now log in to the application even if the Active Directory Domain has been configured with a custom port number. 
    • 🐞 Cloud customers who have configured the SSO login setup can now log in to the application without any issues.
    Version 5.3.0
    Jun 25'24
  • 5.2.0

      12-JAN-2024   Build number V5.2.0.70   Upgrade - SQL Schema   Upgrade - MySQL Delimit Schema     Installation - SQL Schema    Installation - MySQL Schema    Prolaborate Macro for Confluence    EA Add-in    Diagram Editor    Confluence Data Migrator 

      • New Features
      • 🌟 Version Explorer – for model comparison (Read More)
        • Version Explorer, an exciting new feature of Prolaborate, allows architects to compare multiple model versions seamlessly. Version Explorer enables architects to examine revisions to a diagram or artifact effortlessly. Gaining such insights help them build more efficient, reliable and optimized solutions in the future.
      • 🌟 Multi-Factor Authentication for Prolaborate - Identity and Access Management (Read More)
        • In today's digital landscape, ensuring the security of customer information is predominant. Introducing Multi-Factor Authentication for Prolaborate IAM, has taken a tremendous leap forward in strengthening user’s account against unauthorized access.
        • Prolaborate's IAM supports the most popular Authenticator apps for MFA authentication, such as Microsoft, Google, and others.
      • 🌟 Apply Custom Icons for Artifacts in Prolaborate (Read More)
        • Experience the next level of personalization with our latest feature that offers personalization of artifacts' visual appearance. With this feature, users can customize icons for any artifact in Prolaborate. Architecture Teams who prefer their standards can enjoy the flexibility of customization, so they can tailor the look of artifacts to match their organizational standards.
        • Teams who desire custom icons apply the custom settings or use default colors from MDG.
        • Custom icons are reflected in Charts (built using a designer), Reports (built using a designer), and other places.
      • 🌟 Apply Custom Colors for Artifacts in Analyzer Views (Read More)
        • Like the previous one, users could change the color appearance of artifacts in the Analyzer view. The feature lets you personalize your Analyzer experience by customizing object colors. Elevate your impact analysis on enterprise architecture models with ease. Custom hues help in enhancing visual distinction and simplifying complex models.
      • 🌟 Dynamic Dashboards (Read More)
        • Dynamic Dashboard is an extended feature of the Dynamic Widgets feature, which customers widely applauded for making reporting effortless. The new enhancement addresses the need for flexibility in managing multiple charts, focusing on specific stereotypes. It is a game changer for customers who have Dashboards with 2D Charts and Hierarchical Charts built on the same stereotype. With Dynamic Dashboards, users can seamlessly switch properties on the Dashboard filter, dynamically loading the entire Dashboard based on the selected property. It's a game-changer, offering unparalleled adaptability and efficiency in managing diverse visualizations within your architectural models.
      • 🌟 Introducing SysML as OOTB MDG (Read More)
        • We are introducing Out-of-the-Box support for OMG SysML, an essential modeling language for Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) issued by Object Management Group. From its inception, Sparx Systems Prolaborate has been a steadfast supporter of SysML. However, with the latest version, 5.2, we've elevated the experience by incorporating SysML as an Out-of-the-Box MDG. This enhancement is a testament to our commitment to meeting the evolving needs of MBSE enthusiasts, providing seamless collaboration and an enriched experience for SysML modeling within Prolaborate.
        • Systems Engineering teams who want to collaborate and update models built on SysML 1.5 in Sparx Enterprise Architect can leverage the OOTB SysML MDG from Prolaborate.
      • 🌟 Prolaborate Management: Ease the Backup and Restore Process (Read More)
        • Prolaborate Management Service brings in an essential feature for seamless database management. Now, users can effortlessly perform backup and restore operations for their Prolaborate Database at their convenience.
        • The power to migrate Prolaborate Data from one instance to another is at your convenience, ensuring a smooth and efficient transfer of information. With this user-friendly feature, managing and safeguarding your Prolaborate data has never been more straightforward.
      • 🌟 Introducing advanced web accessibility standards (Read More)
        • Enable users who may have difficulty reading text on the screen. The Narrator feature aims to make Prolaborate more accessible by offering voice-guided assistance, allowing users to navigate and interact with the application smoothly.
        • Enable users who prefer using keyboards with keyboard controls. With this, they can interact with the Prolaborate Application easily.
        • The above initiatives are major enhancements to comply with Section 508 accessibility standards.
      • 🌟 Create Artifacts using list view and inline editor (Read More)
        • Create new artifacts directly from the list view and inline editor.
        • Edit or update values seamlessly with an enhanced user interface that supports keyboard shortcuts, auto-save values, and more.
      • 🌟 Introducing Just-in-Time (JIT) Provisioning for SAML (Read More)
        • Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning to automatically create a user account in Prolaborate the first time a user logs in with a SAML identity provider.
        • JIT provisioning manages access permissions to the repositories dynamically for SSO users.
      • 🌟 Introducing SAML Assertion Validation
        • To ease the process of SAML configuration, we have introduced a validator that verifies the SAML response and simplifies the debug process in the SSO login failure event directly within Prolaborate.
      • Improvements
      • 📤 Security
        • Prolaborate adopts configurable fields in Prolaborate Management for cookie-related configuration.
      • 📤 Announcement of SQLite Users
        • Customers using SQLite database and PCS v5.1.126 or above must upgrade Prolaborate to its latest version, 5.2.
      • 📤 Enhanced Properties Filter on Dynamic Charts
        The previous version listed all property types without filtering in the dynamic widget filter drop-down. In response to customer feedback, we've refined it to show only specific properties based on certain conditions outlined below:
        • Display only Enum and Boolean properties.
        • Apply additional filtering based on the user's default profile setting.
        • Exclude all basic property types from the dynamic widget filter, including Enum and Boolean.
        • However, please note that the conditions do not fit when creating or modifying a Chart or Widget. The configuration page lists all the property types without any exclusions.
      • 📤 Improvised Audit for User Login
        • User Login Audit, previously known as Login History, captures the success and failure events of users logging into the application.
        • The admin can review, in which case the login attempt failed, and decode them.
        • User login activity can be downloaded as an Excel file for offline analysis.
      • 📤 E-mail notifications support Plain Text Format
        • The administrator can choose the email message format, either HTML or plain text, from the Mailer configuration for the organization.
      • 📤 Extended Features in Modeling Language
        • Properties of Stereotypes extended from another stereotype within the same Modeling language now work as expected, though with or without Base MDG.
        • Enum properties updated with additional values are now visible in the existing MDG profiles upon updating the modeling language.
        • Import Modeling Language files up to 128MB successfully into Prolaborate.
      • 📤 New Keyword for Placeholders in query
        • The previously recommended placeholder syntax in the query is modified to "<#placeholder name#>".
        • Existing Prolaborate users who have used placeholder definitions in their queries do not need to worry. During migration, placeholder keywords are automatically modified to the new keyword upon executing the data migrator post-upgrade.
      • 📤 Configure Application Access via Prolaborate Manager
        • Reduce redundant effort; No more tweaking configurations such as protocol, domain, and port in dual places. Modify the configurations in Prolaborate Management; the settings will automatically get reflected in the Integrated Application-Access Management of Prolaborate.
      • 📤 Improvised Legend on Hierarchical Charts
        • A level-based legend is introduced in Nested Pie and Heatmap charts, previously available only for landscape charts.
        • The last level of Legend is set to always expand for all the hierarchical charts in the upcoming version.
      • 📤 Validations for Integrations
        • Deletion of Integrated Applications (e.g., Jira) is not allowed if any project created within a repository utilizes the Integrated application. This restriction is in place to prevent potential disruptions for projects that depend on the integration.
        • Deletion of application projects (e.g., customer-created Jira projects) is not allowed if an integration widget or integration property utilizes the project. This restriction is in place to prevent disruptions for integration widgets or integration properties that depend on the project.
        • Deletion of integration property (e.g., Jira Property) is not allowed if a stereotype utilizes the property. This restriction is in place to prevent loss of information.
      • 📤 Enhanced Data Migrator for seamless Upgrade
        • Data Migrator is now automatically executed post-upgrade.
      • 📤 General Enhancements
        • The logged-in username is now displayed on the password reset screen.
        • Standard column width is introduced to list view on the overview page, charts, and reports.
        • A solution has been implemented to enhance the accuracy of report downloads. Users can only click the Download button once the report is loaded and displayed on the page. This change ensures that reports are downloaded with complete information, addressing the previous issue where partial data could be downloaded if the button was clicked too early in the loading process. This improvement guarantees users a more reliable and useful experience leveraging the Download feature.
    • Bug Fixes

    • 🐞 Reports from 'Report Configurations' exchanged between repositories via export/import are now specific to that repository. Modifying the report in one repository does not impact the same report in another repository.
    • 🐞 The login option is removed from the embedded share content page.
    • 🐞 Clicking on the 'Go to Widget' button on the notification page now navigates to the widget.
    • 🐞 The review widget lists only the reviews whose status is only Active.
    • 🐞 Active Reviews are displayed in the review widget even if the description contains single quotes.
    • 🐞 Duplication of last names for AD users is now fixed.
    • 🐞 Reloading of the rich text editor in the dashboard edit view, which uses iframe URLs, is now fixed.
    • 🐞 Issues related to the migration of charts from v3 to v5 are fixed.
    • 🐞 The artifact overview page displays all the information properly post-upgrade from v3 if its notes contain hyperlinks.
    • 🐞 Query attributes created in previous versions of Prolaborate are working as expected upon executing the data migrator post-upgrade.
    • 🐞 Configuration details of the Query Property can be viewed properly post-upgrade.
    • 🐞 Bar and column charts now display the expected output based on the total if the selected property has empty values.
    • 🐞 Ordering in bar and column charts behaves as expected, even when grouped using a property.
    • 🐞 Charts are displayed based on the selected color theme pack upon configuration.
    • 🐞 Text alignment related to Integration Item types is now fixed when viewing the configured integration property.
    • 🐞 Notes of Class Operations can be viewed in the Properties Window.
    • 🐞 The diagrams displayed under the usage section on the artifact's overview page are the same as the list shown in the artifact's property sheet.
    • 🐞 The popup of multiple confirmation windows is fixed across the application.
    • 🐞 The disappearance of the Prolaborate ribbon menu after navigating back from full-screen mode is fixed.
    Version 5.2.0
    Jan 12'24
  • 5.1.0

      30-OCT-2023   Build number V5.1.0.126   Upgrade - SQL Schema    Upgrade - MySQL Delimit Schema     Installation - SQL Schema    Installation - MySQL Schema    Prolaborate Macro for Confluence    EA Add-in    Diagram Editor    Confluence Data Migrator 

      • New Features

      • 🌟 Export and Import Dashboards (Read More)
        • Users can now effortlessly export dashboards, including all widgets, from one repository to another with just a few clicks.
        • Customers exploring our APM accelerator solution, Download the APM Dashboards and import instead of creating from scratch.
        • Export allows users to conveniently select dependent configurations, such as Modeling Language, Color Palette Configuration, Report Configuration, User Groups ,Groups, and Permissions, ensuring a seamless transition between repositories
      • 🌟 Enhanced Inline Editing in List Views (Read More)
        • In Prolaborate 5, Inline Editing was initially introduced with basic support for editing properties of type String and Enum. In response to valuable feedback from our customers and partners, we have expanded this editing capability to include other data types, including RefGUID (Link to Internal Object), RefGUIDList (Link Multiple Internal Objects), Color, and URL.
        • The enhanced editor empowers users to manage relationships using Connector Properties efficiently. It also enables adding or removing references to Jira Items, Azure Objects, and more through Integration Properties.
      • Improvements

      • 📤 Charts
        • Dynamic Chart Dropdown Enhancement: Properties are now displayed in the dropdown list for dynamic charts based on the user's default profile setting (Read More).
        • Bar and Column Charts: A new control has been introduced in chart settings, allowing users to select the position to display value.
        • Nested Pie Chart Improvement: A new option is introduced to construct the number of levels (two or three) visible when loading a dashboard.
      • 📤 Editor Table improvement
        • Usability improvements are added to the inline editor view on the overview page, sub-reports (charts), and reports.
    • Bug Fixes

    • 🐞 Discussions - with the state 'Open' were incorrectly displayed as closed when another discussion from the same object was closed has been fixed.
    • 🐞 Element / Diagram Icons are now displayed as expected in a report view when the 'hide_' clause is included in the query.
    • 🐞 Clicking on a diagram name from a report view now navigates to the respective diagram as expected.
    • 🐞 Artifact stereotypes are now shown in the 'Add Element' window, even if the basic attributes group name is modified in Form Designer, resolving the issue.
    • 🐞 Diagrams with enabled custom drawing styles works as expected in Prolaborate.
    • 🐞 Ordering in bar and column charts behaves as expected based on the 'Order By' clause used in the query.
    • 🐞 First Name and Last Name are displayed correctly in the respective fields on the My Profile page for Active Directory users.
    • 🐞 Children tables are displayed as expected on the overview page with customized access permissions when the repository is shared using Open Community Access.
    • 🐞 Users can now access the properties window even if the element contains attributes with multiplicity set.
    • 🐞 The application works as expected even if there are empty widgets in a dashboard.
    • 🐞 When reediting a widget within a dashboard, blocks that are repositioned within a widget now render accurately in their expected positions.
    • 🐞 Bubble Chart: The number of data records available in sub-reports now loads as expected. The data records count now matches the count displayed on the bubble in Bubble charts.
    • 🐞 Disabling the embed share toggle in the settings page for a repository will now immediately make previously shared embed URLs inactive.
    • 🐞 Resolved the duplication issue for reviews with the state 'Archived.'
    • 🐞 Learn more navigation links for Diagram Editor and Add Repository now correctly redirect to respective help guide pages on the Prolaborate Website, resolving the issue.
    • 🐞 Hostname changes made in Prolaborate Management are now successfully updated in the respective configuration file, addressing the previously identified problem.
    • 🐞 Migration of the SAML certificate happens as expected when upgrading Prolaborate from V3 to the latest version, V5.
    • 🐞 Diagrams in Prolaborate are displayed as expected in different screen resolutions.
    • 🐞 The roadmap chart configured using the date format ‘others’ shows the expected output post-upgrade from V3 to V5.
    Version 5.1.0
    OCT 30'23
  • 5.0.0

      27-JUL-2023   Build number V5.0.0.46   Upgrade - SQL Schema    Upgrade - MySQL Delimit Schema     Installation - SQL Schema 
      Installation - MySQL Schema    Prolaborate Macro for Confluence    EA Add-in    Diagram Editor    Confluence Data Migrator 

    • New Features

    • 🌟 Lifecycle Roadmaps 
      (Learn More)
      • The advanced lifecycle roadmap is a powerful method for showcasing the status of various architectural artifacts, such as applications, capabilities, or projects. It plays a pivotal role in the Application Portfolio Planning providing a clear and concise overview of their lifecycles.
    • 🌟 Dynamic Charts - One Chart Multiple Reports 
      (Learn More)
      • Over the years, we have observed that our customers rely heavily on charts to visualize data. Furthermore, we have noticed that many users create multiple charts for the same object and each chart displays different data points.
      • Dynamic Charts will reduce such redundant efforts and will offer more intuitive reports for users to analyze information based on various attributes. Users can pick the data they would like to see on the go. This enhancement allows for greater flexibility and efficiency in data representation.
      • Dynamic Charts can be enabled in the following chart types:
        1. Pie
        2. Donut
        3. Bar (Regular and Stacked)
        4. Column (Regular and Stacked)
        5. Landscape charts representing multi-level hierarchical information
    • 🌟 Card Widget
      (Learn More)
      • Users always prefer curated and succinct insights from complex architecture information, to focus on important aspects of the business.
      • Card Widget allows architects to highlight business information and key metrics from model in your dashboard Designed to highlight vital metrics like cost, numbers, counts, and text, the Card Widget allows for concise and visually appealing presentation of key information.
      • Our business users highly appreciate this widget for providing valuable insights into crucial aspects, including Total Cost Of (TCO) applications, applications count based on key attributes, percentage of high-impact applications and much more.
    • 🌟 Rich Text Editor for Dashboards 
      (Learn More)
      • We have introduced an advanced Rich text editor, to enhance documentation in dashboards. This new editor replaces the HTML editor widget and offers improved functionalities and benefits to users who require custom texts and formatting options. The Rich Text editor significantly enhances the appeal and presentability of dashboards to stakeholders. With additional features that simplify the editing documentation content in dashboards, it becomes the ideal choice for text and image presentation.
    • 🌟 Rich Text Editor for Email Templates 
      (Learn More)
      • The Rich Text Editor is now also available for customizing email templates. This new editor provides enhanced functionalities and benefits for users who need custom texts and formatting options, making it easier to customize emails.
    • 🌟 List Views and Inline Editor for Easy Model Updates 
      (Learn More)
      • ‘Inline editing using a simple list view, powered by metadata to allow context-based model editing’
      • List views, designed to resemble Excel-like interfaces, have always been the choice for stakeholders when it comes to viewing and updating model information. Whether it's the task of viewing and updating applications, managing data entities, or modifying requirements and use cases, the combination of list views and inline editors has consistently delivered the most sought-after user experience.
      • The List view and inline editor is enabled in all key model viewing capabilities of Prolaborate.
      • Viewing artifacts (or child elements) of a package
      • List of Elements listed based on charts and reports

    • Improvements

    • 📤 Security Enhancements
      • Certain vulnerabilities identified during the vulnerability assessment have been remediated.
    • 📤 Enhanced Package Overview Page 
      (Learn More)
      • The overview page has been enhanced to provide insightful information. The enhanced page presents all child artifacts in a list view format beneath the selected object. The page offers a more comprehensive view of the object and its related artifacts.
    • 📤 AD & ADFS Sync Setting 
      (Learn More)
      • Existing Prolaborate teams that have configured user management via AD and are planning to migrate to ADFS can benefit from this new feature. During the migration process, administrators now have the option to choose between synchronizing settings based on AD group settings or ADFS group settings. The permissions will be set accordingly based on the selected option.
      • Note:

        • In the current version, AD groups work based on Just In Time, while ADFS does not yet have this feature implemented.
    • 📤 Other Improvements
      • Feature Search – A handy tool for users to identify newly added features and existing features via search.
      • Share and other functionalities work smoothly when including two distinct widgets within a master widget.
      • Confirmation window now works as expected across application.
      • Input field validations have been added to multiple areas, including the report configuration, EA reports definition, chart definition, connector definition, placeholder, and query definition pages.

    • Bug Fixes

    • AD & ADFS Merge

      🐞In version 4.4.2, we introduced the capability to merge AD and ADFS accounts. This allows current Prolaborate users with AD accounts to smoothly transition to ADFS. However, we identified an issue where users who were removed from AD user groups could still access the application. We have promptly resolved this issue in Prolaborate V5.

    • Others

      🐞 After the upgrade from V3 to V4, the previously configured email notification settings for reviews and discussions are retained.

    • 🐞 The random toggle button visible on the notification page has been removed.

    • 🐞 When traversing between elements, the property window displays the expected element name.

    • 🐞 The "Back to Previous Element" field on the properties page retains the expected element name when clicking the back button.

    • 🐞 Connector information is now accessible from the traceability section.

    • 🐞 Switching between the minimized view and maximized view within reports retains the stereotype dropdown value.

    • 🐞 The email template page no longer freezes after modification.

    • 🐞 Prolaborate admins can now enter a database password of up to 250 characters.

    • 🐞 Reviews with the state "archived" are displayed as expected.

    Version 5.0.0
    JUL 20 '23

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