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How many Confluence users can use the Prolaborate macro?

As of now, there are no limitations to the number of users who can use the Prolaborate macro.

What is the price of the Integrations add-on?

USD 1,400 per year Learn more here

Which option is the best to get started with?

Here are some common options that most of the organizations go for.

Scenario Requirements Products
1 We want to share live information in Confluence using the macro Growing Teams Edition (10-licensed users) and Integrations add-on
2 Scenario #1 + capability to share repositories and visualizations using links Growing Teams Edition (10-licensed users), Integrations and Open Community Access add-on
3 Use Prolaborate for sharing, collaborating, integrating, visualizing, and analyzing EA models Large Teams Edition – 100 licensed users
  •  Learn more here about on-premises Prolaborate deployment
  •  Learn more here about cloud Prolaborate deployment
  •  Place purchase request using this link.

It’s better to get started with Large Teams edition as it gives access to all the capabilities without any limitations.

How many Prolaborate licenses are consumed when users access Prolaborate via Confluence?

No Prolaborate licenses are consumed when using the Prolaborate macro for Confluence. As of now, the macro gives you unlimited views. Learn more here.


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