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Troubleshoot Installation

Prerequisites failed when running the installer

The following can be the reasons:

  1. Required windows features are not installed on the application server.
  2. The user does not have admin privileges to run the installer.
  3. You have run the installer using Prolaborate.msi file.


  1. Check this user guide to install the required windows features.
  2. Run the Setup.exe file with admin privileges.

Setup requires the ASP.NET 4 to be configured in IIS

This error shows up when Windows’ features are not installed on the application server. Check this user guide to install the required windows features.

Connection Unsuccessful – MySQL database

Unable to connect any of the MySQL hosts

This message shows up when the Server Name/IP address is incorrect. You need to enter the MySQL database server name or RDS endpoint or Hostname.

Unable to connect any of the MySQL hosts with Port number

In order to connect to a MySQL database server using its name or IP address with a port number, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open your MySQL client program (e.g. MySQL Workbench)
  • Enter the server name or IP address in the following format: “server_name_or_IP;port=port_number”. For example, if the server’s IP address is “” and the port number is “3306”, you would enter “;port=3306”.
  • Provide your login credentials (username and password) for the database server.
  • If the connection is successful, you should now be able to interact with the database server.

Unknown database for MySQL

This message shows up when the database name is incorrect. Please check whether the entered database name is correct.

Access Denied for MySQL database

This message shows up when the username and password of Prolaborate database are incorrect.

Please check whether the entered username and password are correct.

A network error or instance-specific error

This message shows up when the empty database is not created in MySQL or the user selected the wrong database server in the previous step of the installer.

Please check whether the empty database is created and the user selected the correct database server in the previous step of the installer

Connection Unsuccessful – Microsoft SQL database

A network error or instance-specific error

This message shows up when the Server Name/IP address is incorrect. You need to enter the Microsoft SQL database server name or RDS endpoint or Hostname.

Cannot open database requested by the login. The login failed:

This message shows up when the database name is incorrect. Please check whether the entered database name is correct.

Login Failed for the user

This message shows up when the username and password of Prolaborate database are incorrect. Please check the entered username and password are correct.

Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts

This message shows up when the empty database is not created in Microsoft SQL or the user selected the wrong database server in the previous step of the installer.

Please check whether the empty database is created and the user selected the correct database server in the previous step of the installer.

Connection Unsuccessful – After choosing the Skip the Step option

This error message shows up when the user selects Skip this step option when the configured Prolaborate database is empty. The user has to select Run Schema if this is a new installation.

The Skip this step option should be selected only when you are trying to reinstall Prolaborate or configuring existing Prolaborate database.

Server Error in ‘/’ Application – The resource cannot be found.

This error comes up when Prolaborate web application physical path is changed on the IIS manager.

Follow the steps to resolve this issue

  1. Open IIS Manager.
  2. Right-click on Prolaborate site
  3. Select Manage website and click on Advanced settings
  4. Change the right physical path(Default path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\WebApplication)
  5. Click Ok.

Server Error in ‘/’ Application – Runtime error

Please check the following reasons and follow the instructions mentioned to resolve this issue.

  1. The required Windows features are not properly installed. Kindly reinstall the features as per this link
  2. The database schema did not run properly. Please run the Upgrade schema on the Prolaborate database. Choose a schema based on the database server used for Prolaborate in the Release Notes page.
  3. XML structure in Prolaborate.conf file should be a valid XML. If you missed any ‘/’ like <Type> instead of </Type> it will cause error(typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\Config)
  4. Open IIS Manager
    1. Click on the Prolaborate Application pool. Under Actions on the right-hand side panel, click on Advanced settings
      • Under General, check whether Enable 32-Bit Applications is set as True.
      • Under Process Model, check whether Identity is set as ApplicationPoolIdentity
    2. Click on the Prolaborate site. Under Actions on the right-hand side panel, click on Basic settings and check the Physical path. It should be the path of the WebApplication folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\WebApplication).
    3. impersonation is disabled in the IIS Manager. Select the server in the left panel and double click ‘Authentication’ under the ‘IIS’ group in the central panel. Select ‘ASP.NET Impersonation’ and select ‘Disable’ at the top of the right panel.
  5. All permissions should be set for IUSR and IIS_IUSRS users for the Prolaborate folder (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)).
  6. Check if ProlaborateConfigFilePath and ProlaborateLicenseFilePath are set correctly in web.config file (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\WebApplication\)
  7. Open Prolaborate Service Management.exe application (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\ProlaborateServiceManagement) and check configurations are valid. Click the Save button to save the configuration.
  8. Open ApplicationHost.config file (typically located at C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config) and check The autoStart value set as True.
    <add name=”Prolaborate” autoStart=”true” enable32BitAppOnWin64=”true”

HTTP Error 500.24

This error occurs when ‘ASP.NET Impersonation’ is not disabled.

To fix it, start IIS Manager. Select the server in the left panel and double click ‘Authentication’ under the ‘IIS’ group in the central panel. Select ‘ASP.NET Impersonation’ and select ‘Disable’ at the top of the right panel.

HTTP Error 500

This error shows up when the required Windows features are not properly installed.

Please reinstall the features as per this link and the issue should get resolved.

HTTP Error 500.19

This error shows up when the required Windows features are not installed.

Please install the features as per this link and the issue should get resolved.

HTTP Error 403 or 503

Please check the following:

  1. Open IIS Manager
  2. Check whether Prolaborate Application pool is running. If no, please start it
  3. Click on the Prolaborate Application pool. Under Actions on the right-hand side panel, click on Advanced settings
    • Under General, check whether Enable 32-Bit Applications is set as True.
    • Under Process Model, check whether Identity is set as ApplicationPoolIdentity
  4. Click on the Prolaborate site. Under Actions on the right-hand side panel, click on Basic settings and check the Physical path. It should be the path of the WebApplication (C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\WebApplication)
    1. All permissions should be set for IUSR and IIS_IUSRS users for the Prolaborate folder (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)).
    2. All the tables should have been created in Prolaborate database. If no, run Prolaborate database schema (Install schema) from the Release Notes page based on the database server used for Prolaborate.

Prolaborate site can’t be reached!

The following could the reasons:

  1. Prolaborate app server is not reachable
  2. IIS is not running in the app server
  3. Prolaborate site is stopped in IIS
  4. Prolaborate site is blocked by your security policies
  5. Domain configuration of your Prolaborate site is not done properly

Configuration error when opening Prolaborate

Check if ProlaborateConfigFilePath and ProlaborateLicenseFilePath are set correctly in web.config file (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\WebApplication\)

Database connectivity error

This error appears when Prolaborate is not able to connect to its database.

The reason could be any one of the following:

  1. The database password may be expired. Please reset the database password. It is recommended to change it again with the same password; else you need to update the same in Prolaborate configuration.
  2. Some issues with connectivity or database server. Try connecting to the database server manually and see if it is possible
  3. Database details are not valid
  4. Open Prolaborate Service Management.exe (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\ProlaborateServiceManagement ).
  5. Click on Manage Configuration.
  6. Please check and enter the right database details in the Database tab
  7. Click on Test connection,
  8. One the connection is successful, click on Save

Application and Database Schema Version Mismatch!

This error shows up when the database schema did not run properly. Please run the compatible database schema on the Prolaborate database as per the instructions below and try again.

If you are seeing this error after installing Prolaborate, run the Install schema on the Prolaborate database. And if you are seeing this error after an upgrade, run the Upgrade schema on the Prolaborate database.

Database schemas can be found in the Release Notes page. Choose a schema based on the database server used for Prolaborate.

To avoid this error further, please give the following permissions to the Prolaborate database user

For Microsoft SQL Server, set sysadmin permission

For MySQL Server, set Process admin permission


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