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PCS Connection Failed

This status shows up when Prolaborate could not establish a connection with the configured Enterprise Architect (EA) Model.

It could be because of the following reasons:

  1. Either database configuration in Pro Cloud Server (PCS) is incorrect or the details of the EA database entered in Prolaborate are incorrect. Check whether you can connect to the EA model using Cloud Connection of EA with the same details entered in Prolaborate.
  2. The port used by PCS (For example – 804) is not open. From a browser in a local machine, enter the server name or DNS or IP address of the server where PCS is installed appended by the port number (For example, SSN007:804) and check whether you are getting a Congratulatory message.
  3. Pro Features are not enabled in PCS
  4. “Allow saving password” setting is not enabled while configuring the database managed in PCS
  5. Persist Security Info should be True in the Connection string under Configured database manager in PCS
  6. PCS OSLC Support is not enabled. Open PCS configuration file (Sample path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Cloud Services\Service\SSProCloud.config) and check if OSLC_Support is set to 1. If not, change the value to 1.
  7. EA database is configured using User DSN. Configure EA database using System DSN if your EA models are on MySQL, Oracle, or Postgres
  8. Sparx Systems Professional Cloud service is not running
  9. OSLC support is not working fine. Check whether the following calls are working from the server where Pro Cloud Server is installed:
    1. localhost:[PCS port]/[PCS Database Manager alias]/oslc/am/pbstructure/
    2. localhost:[PCS port]/[PCS Database Manager alias]/oslc/am/sp/

    PCS port is 804 by default. The alias can be found in the PCS console.

  10. If HTTPS is enabled in PCS,
    • TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 should be enabled in Port settings.
    • Server.pem file should be placed in the Service folder. The folder is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service.

 Restart the “Sparx Systems Professional Cloud” service if you make any changes to the config file.

Authentication failed

The error will show up when

  1. Authentication is not enabled in Prolaborate for an Enterprise Architect model which has Security enabled in it
  2. The Authentication details are incorrect

If you are getting this error even when Security is not enabled, security might be enabled at the Active Directory level. You need to create a user from Enterprise Architect and use those credentials for Authentication in Prolaborate.

If you are getting this error even after giving the right credentials, check if you can log in to the model using Enterprise Architect. If no, the credentials are invalid. If yes, you must be using the default credentials when you enabled Security in EA, which is admin and password.

You need to use the Change Password option once to resolve the issue. Change the password in EA and use the same in Prolaborate. You can even change the password to password.

Once you go back to Prolaborate and refresh the Repositories page, the status will change to Active.

Unsupported EA database schema

The message shows up when you have an older version (851) of EA database schema. There are 2 ways this error can be fixed:

  1. Run the latest EA database schema on your repositories. This involves a certain level of risk as you are running DB scripts on a production repository
  2. Create a new repository and do the following steps. This has absolutely no risk

If you wish to go for #1 option, reach out to us at for a quick discussion.

Here are the steps to carry out #2 option and fix the error:

  1. Take a backup of the EA repositories without fail
  2. Create an empty database
  3. Visit this link and download the database schema under the Enterprise Architect Schema Creation Scripts section. Ensure to choose 1558 version
  4. Run the latest DB schema on the empty database
    Do a project transfer from existing DB to this one (EA will handle all the conversions smoothly)
  5. Create file-based Repository
  6. Do a Project transfer from existing DB to file (DBMS to File)
  7. Do a Project transfer the file to newly created empty DB (File to DBMS)
  8. Copy the existing Alias name (Model name) in PCS and configure this DB in PCS with the same alias name. Check if everything is working fine in Prolaborate.

 After migration, If EA database is hosted in Microsoft SQL Server, you should connect to EA repository either through PCS or OLE DB. ODBC should not be used!

The warning message will go away and Prolaborate will work fine..

Unsupported Database server

If EA Database is in PostgreSQL server

Run this query on each of your EA databases:

create extension hstore

If EA database is in Firebird server:

It will not work in Prolaborate as that database server is not supported yet. You can host your EA models on the supported database server.


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