Manage Profile
This article will show you how you can manage your profile.
View Profile
To go to your profile page, click on the Profile icon in the top right corner and then click on My Profile.

The profile page allows users to manage the following information:
- Personal Details
- Repository and User Group Membership
- Default Group
- Change Profile Picture
- Settings to Change Password
- Notification Settings

Personal Details
To edit your details, click on the Edit icon.

The following screen will appear where you can edit your personal details such as first name, last name email id, time zone, etc. After editing the details click on the Save button.

Find Repositories and User Groups I Belong to
This section displays the information related to repository access given to a user, a list of groups where he is been added as a member.

Select a preferred Group
This section enables you to choose the default group when you are a member of several groups
To select the group and if you are on my profile page then click on Actions and choose the group from the list of groups and click on Save OR.

If you are on the repository listing page, choose any of the repositories from the repository list and click on the Profile icon in the top right corner and then click on Change Default Group or when are on any of the repository pages, click on the Profile icon in the top right corner and then click on Change Default Group.

Change Profile Picture
Click on Change Profile Picture to upload a new profile image.

The following screen will appear, click on Choose File to upload your profile picture and click on Save.

The below screenshot shows the profile picture.

Remove Profile Picture
If you want to remove the profile picture, click on the Remove Profile Picture.

Change Password
Click on Change Password to change your current password.

The following page will open, enter the new password and click on Save.