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Troubleshoot the Installation

Connection Unsuccessful – MySQL database

Unable to connect any of the MySQL hosts

This message shows up when the Server Name/IP address is incorrect. You need to enter the MySQL database server name or RDS endpoint or Hostname.

Unable to connect any of the MySQL hosts with Port number

In order to connect to a MySQL database server using its name or IP address with a port number, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open your MySQL client program (e.g. MySQL Workbench, command line, etc.)
  • Enter the server name or IP address in the following format: “server_name_or_IP;port=port_number”. For example, if the server’s IP address is “” and the port number is “3306”, you would enter “;port=3306”.
  • Provide your login credentials (username and password) for the database server.
  • If the connection is successful, you should now be able to interact with the database server.

Unknown database for MySQL

This message shows up when the database name is incorrect. Please check whether the entered database name is correct.

Access Denied for MySQL database

This message shows up when the username and password of Prolaborate database are incorrect.

Please check whether the entered username and password are correct.

Troubleshooting MYSQL Database Collation and Character Set Error 

If you encounter the error in MySQL Database Collation and Character Set, it indicates that your MySQL server does not meet the required Collation and Character Set configurations as outlined in the prerequisites. To resolve this issue, ensure that the Collation and Character Set values are set to utf8mb4/utf8mb4_general_ci as specified in below image.

Click here to learn how to set up MySQL server. 

Connection Unsuccessful – Microsoft SQL database

A network error or instance-specific error

This message shows up when the empty database is not created in MSSQL or the user selected the wrong database server in the previous step of the installer.

Please check whether the empty database is created and the user selected the correct database server in the previous step of the installer.

Cannot open database

This message shows up when the database name is incorrect. Please check whether the entered database name is correct.

Login Failed for the user

This message shows up when the username and password of Prolaborate database are incorrect. Please check the entered username and password are correct.

Connection Unsuccessful – After choosing the ‘Skip this Step’ option

This error message shows up when the user selects Skip this step option when the configured Prolaborate database is empty. The user has to select Run Schema if this is a new installation.

The Skip this step option should be selected only when you are trying to reinstall Prolaborate or configuring existing Prolaborate database.


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