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KPI Reports using Cards Widget

APM Based Report 1: Know the percentage of applications which must be eliminated


Configuration used by the above widget:

The above Cards widget is configured to display a percentage result. This Cards Widget is created using Query Configuration (Refer query below).

Steps to create the percentage-based Cards widget

  • Click on “Skip to Query”, give a Title to the widget as shown below. click here to know how to create a Cards widget.
  • In the query field, paste the following query.

MySQL query used by the widget.

SELECT Format(ROUND((filteredcount / totcount ) * 100, 2) ,2) AS cards from (select count(tv.Value ) AS filteredcount, (select count(object_id) from t_object where object_type IN ('') AND Stereotype in ('')) AS totcount from t_object o
Join t_objectproperties tv on tv.Object_ID=o.Object_ID WHERE o.object_type IN ('') AND o.Stereotype in ('') and tv.Property IN ( '') and tv.Value in ('')) as completeQuery


  • In the above example, the value of the placeholder <type> is `Component`, <Stereotype> is `APM_Application`, <Property>, is `Outlook` and <Value>, is `eliminate`
  • Click ‘Execute’ will reflect the result at the bottom. One can Click ‘Save value’ and then exit the pop-up with a ‘close’ button.

Set Custom Styles

Clicking ‘next’ will lead you to a Customize Card page as below. Follow the image for the Customization.

After making the customization, click the “Save” button, and the Widget configuration page will appear. Customize the widget as displayed in the image below, then click the Gear icon to select the widget’s color.

Click ‘Save’ to preserve the color configuration on widgets and save the dashboard. The dashboard will get rendered with percentage-based cards widget shown above.

APM Based Report 2: Know the percentage of applications which are at phase out state

Let’s create another Percentage-Based Cards widget


Configuration used by the above widget:

This cards widget is configured based on percentage cards widget. This Widget is created using a Query.

Steps to create the percentage-based Cards widget.

  • Click “Skip to Query” to get Query Configuration from the designer Configuration
  • Use the below Query as in Query field.

MySQL query used by the widget.

SELECT Format(ROUND((filteredcount / totcount ) * 100, 2) ,2) AS cards from (select count(tv.Value ) AS filteredcount, (select count(object_id) from t_object where object_type IN ('Component') AND Stereotype in ('APM_Application')) AS totcount from t_object o
Join t_objectproperties tv on tv.Object_ID=o.Object_ID WHERE o.object_type IN ('Component') AND o.Stereotype in ('APM_Application') and tv.Property IN ( 'Lifecycle') and tv.Value in ('Sunset')) as completeQuery

Execute will result the value as shown below and use close button to exit pop-up window.

Set Custom Styles

By clicking ‘next’, one is lead to the Customize Card page as below. Follow the image for Customization.

Clicking ‘Save’ will lead you to the Widget configuration page. Customize widget as shown in the Image below and Click on the Gear icon for the color configuration of the Widget.

First click “Save” button after the color configuration and then click save for the Dashboard results.

APM Based Report 3: Know the total cost of investments on Cloud Applications


Configuration used by the above widget:

This widget is configured using designer configuration as shown in the image below

In your web browser, begin by accessing the Application Portfolio Management section. Inside this section, locate and click on “Application Layer.” Once you’re in the “Application Layer,” select the “Application Inventory” package. Next, customize your search by specifying a stereotype, setting it to “APM_Application.” To further refine your results, apply a property filter using the criteria “Tagged Value” and “Hosting Type,” using the condition “NOT IN” and specifying the filter value(s) as “On-premise.” Finally, when displaying the results, choose to perform a “Sum” calculation based on the Tagged Values, with a specific emphasis on calculating the Total Cost of Ownership.

Set Custom Styles

Click next twice and go to the Customize card page.

Click save and use the gear icon for the color configuration from the widget.

Click “Save” button after the color configuration and click ‘save’ again for the Dashboard results.

APM Based Report 4: Know the most prevalent outlook of applications


Configuration used by the above widget:

This cards widget is configured based on advanced cards widget. This Widget is created using a Query.

  • click “Skip to Query” to get Query Configuration from the designer Configuration.
  • Use the below Query as in Query field and click execute as below.


select count(*) as total, tv4.Value AS cards, from t_object o
Join t_objectproperties tv4 on tv4.Object_ID=o.Object_ID WHERE o.object_type IN ('component') AND tv4.Property IN ( 'Outlook') and tv4.Value is not null group by cards order by total desc limit 0,1

  • On clicking the Execute button, you will be asked for the requested Placeholder. Set the Placeholder values as below image. By clicking ‘Execute’ the result will be reflected at the bottom. Click “Save value” and then exit the pop-up with a ‘close’ button.


Name Values
<type> component
<stereotype> apm_application
<fqname> apm::apm_application
<RecursiveGUIDS> {9E895B02-B474-473d-B6AB-FBA7A3844C98}

Set Custom Styles

Click next to get Customize card page

Click save and use the gear icon for the color configuration from the widget.

Click “Save” button after the color configuration and click save again for the Dashboard results.

APM Based Report 5: Know the most prevalent Application Status


Configuration used by the above widget:

This cards widget is configured based on Advanced cards widget. This Widget is created using a Query

  • Click ‘Skip to Query’ to get Query Configuration from the designer Configuration.
  • Use the below Query as in Query field and click execute as below


select count(*) as total, tv4.Value AS cards, from t_object o Join t_objectproperties tv4 on tv4.Object_ID=o.Object_ID WHERE o.object_type IN ('component') AND tv4.Property IN ( 'Environment') and tv4.Value is not null group by cards order by total desc limit 0,1

  • On clicking the “Execute” button, you will be asked for the requested Placeholder. Set the Placeholder values as below image. By clicking on “Execute”, the result will be reflected at the bottom. Click “Save value” and then exit the pop-up with a ‘close’ button.


Name Values
<type> component
<stereotype> apm_application
<fqname> apm::apm_application
<RecursiveGUIDS> {9E895B02-B474-473d-B6AB-FBA7A3844C98}

Set Custom Styles

Click next to get Customize card page

Click save and use the gear icon for the color configuration from the widget.

Click “Save” button after the color configuration and click save for the Dashboard results.

APM Based Report 6: Know about the Total cost of ownership for Business-Critical Applications


Configuration used by the above widget:

This widget is configured using designer configuration as shown in the image below

Within the Application Portfolio Management section, navigate to the ‘Application Layer’ and then access the ‘Application Inventory’ package. Here, select the type as ‘Component’ and specify a stereotype, designating it as ‘APM_Application.’ Next, apply a filter based on properties, utilizing the ‘Tagged Value’ and ‘criticality’ criteria. Set the condition to ‘IN’ and input ‘Business Critical’ as the filter value. Finally, when displaying the results, choose to calculate the ‘Sum’ based on the Tagged Values, with a specific focus on the Total Cost of Ownership.”

Set Custom Styles

Click next twice and go to the Customize card page

Click save after the changes and use the gear icon for the color configuration from the widget.

Click “Save” button after the color configuration and click save again for the Dashboard results.

APM Based Report 7: Know the Total cost of ownership for Active Application


Configuration used by the above widget:

This widget is configured using designer configuration as shown in the image below

In your browser, navigate to the Application Portfolio Management section and click on “Application Layer.” From there, select the “Application Inventory” package. choose to specify a stereotype, setting it to “APM_Application.”Now, apply a filter by property using the “Tagged Value” and “Lifecycle” criteria. Specify the condition as “IN” and set the filter value(s) to “Active”. Lastly, for presenting the outcomes, select the “Sum” calculation method based on the Tagged Values, with a specific emphasis on the Total Cost of Ownership.

Set Custom Styles

Click next twice and go to the Customize card page

Click the save button after the changes and that will lead you to the widget configuration page. Use the gear icon from the widget to change colors.

Click “Save” button after the color configuration and then click ‘save’ again for the Dashboard results.

APM Based Report 8: Know Total cost of ownership for Phase out Applications


Configuration used by the above widget:

This widget is configured using designer configuration as shown in the image below

In your browser, navigate to the Application Portfolio Management section and click on “Application Layer.” From there, select the “Application Inventory” package. choose to specify a stereotype, setting it to “APM_Application”. Now, apply a filter by property using the “Tagged Value” and “Technology Risk” criteria. Specify the condition as “IN” and set the filter value(s) to “Phase-out”.

Lastly, for presenting the outcomes, select the “Sum” calculation method based on the Tagged Values, with a specific emphasis on the Total Cost of Ownership.

Set Custom Styles

Click next twice and go to the Customize card page

Click save and use the gear icon for the color configuration from the widget.

Click “Save” button after the color configuration and then click ‘save’ again for the Dashboard results.


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