This is a legal agreement (“Agreement”) between you (“You” or “CUSTOMER” or “Your”) availing Cloud SERVICES and Sixth Force Solutions Pty Ltd. (“we”, “us”, “our” or “SELLER”) – “the Parties”.
This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions that govern the order placed under this Agreement by CUSTOMER to SELLER. The complete list of services, name of the Cloud vendor and their specifications mentioned in the order are referred to as Service Specifications or ”SERVICES”.
The object of this Agreement is the temporary provisioning of SERVICES and granting of rights to use the Services to the CUSTOMER by SELLER and the provision of User Support along with our VENDOR (Refers to Cloud vendor from whom we avail services or products to fulfill the Service Specifications) during the term of this Agreement in return for the payment of a fee. A perpetual license to use the SERVICES beyond the term of the Agreement is explicitly not granted.
During the SERVICES Period, the SELLER or VENDOR may update the SERVICES to reflect changes in, among other things, laws, regulations, rules, technology, industry practices, patterns of system use, and availability of Third-Party Content.
We will ensure updates to the SERVICES will not materially reduce the level of performance, functionality, security or availability of the SERVICES during the SERVICES Period of Your order.
Should the CUSTOMER breach the provisions for reasons for which it is responsible, and should the CUSTOMER continue to breach or repeatedly breach the provisions for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice is sent to the CUSTOMER by SELLER and if the CUSTOMER is responsible for the same, SELLER may terminate the Agreement without any additional period of notice.