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Integration Map

Visualize how different applications are interconnected through interfaces. This chart provides valuable information that is very useful for enterprises with many business and IT applications that interact with each other to achieve a range of business goals. It shows what an application consumes and provides, offering a holistic view of the application’s ecosystem. It also illustrates  data flows between applications, dependencies, and impacts and supports strategic planning.


  1. Prolaborate version 5.4.0 or above.
  1. The user must have access to the EA repository in Prolaborate.
  1. To create an Integration Map, the user must be an admin or part of a user group with administrative access to Dashboards.

How to Create an Integration Map?

An Integration Map can be added as a new widget in a dashboard or widgets library. Choose the Widget Type as Charts and click on Add Widget.

Select Integration Map as the Chart Type.

The chart can be created using any of the following methods:

  1. Designer Configuration
  1. Query Configuration
  1. Pre-defined reports from Reports Configuration

Create using Designer Configuration

The charts designer allows users to create an integration map with a few clicks by selecting and filtering the packages.

Source Selection

Field Description
Browser It displays the list of packages that the user has access to in the repository.
Search Repository To search for packages and elements, click the Search icon to open the repository search page. From there, the user can search for elements by name, or select object type, type, and stereotype from the dropdown menu.
Select All Levels When Select All Levels is selected, the sub-packages and elements within a package are automatically selected once the user selects the package.

Designer Configuration 

This section allows the user to select the configuration required to create a chart. 

Field Description
Specify Type  Select the object type from the dropdown menu available within the package. 
Specify Stereotype  Select the stereotype from the dropdown menu. 
This field is mandatory. 
Fully Qualified Name  By enabling this option, you can view the complete name of the stereotype along with its technology. If not enabled, only the name of the stereotype will be visible. 
Filter By Property  You can filter the elements based on basic properties (e.g., Name, Stereotype, Status, Notes, etc.) or tagged values. 
Condition (How this works): 
The user can filter based on the conditions such as IN or NOT IN for both the tagged values and basic properties. 
Filter values: 
Based on the selected tagged value or basic property, user can further filter by using the specific values from the tagged value or basic property. 

Display Output Based on 

Field Description
Choose Connector Type  Choose the required connector type displayed based on the artifact stereotype previously selected. 
Choose Connector Stereotype  Choose the required connector stereotype from the dropdown, based on the previous configurations . This field is mandatory. 

After selecting all the filters, click Next

On the query configuration page, the queries for the designer configuration will be displayed. Users can either customize the query if required by enabling the Edit auto-generated query option or they can copy the query for later customization. 


  • Enabling this option will break the traceability between the selected designer configuration from the previous page and the query. 

Click Next to navigate to the Chart Settings page. 

On the Chart Settings page,users can customize the style and aesthetics of the chart. Wewill cover each feature in more detail later in this article. Fornow, click the Save button. 

Create using SQL Queries 

In the Create Chart Widget, click on the Skip to Query button after selecting the chart type. 

Field Description
View Sample   It displays a sample query with the option to view more. 
Query  Enter the query in the space provided based on your requirements. 
Copy Query  Click this button to copy the entire query, without requiring manual selection.   
Execute  Click on Execute to view the query’s results. 
Set Placeholder Values  Displays the list of placeholders in the query, if any. Enter values for the respective placeholders and save them. To know more, click here
Save as Report  Save the applied configurations as a report on the Reports Configuration page, where they can be reused when creating a new chart. To learn more, click here 

Sample Query 


select distinct o.Object_ID AS objectid1, o.Name AS displayname1, o.ea_guid AS classguid, o.Object_Type AS basetype1, o.Stereotype AS stereotype1 , o.Name AS displaylabel , conn.Start_Object_ID AS connstartid1, conn.End_Object_ID AS connendid1 from t_object o join t_connector conn on conn.End_Object_ID = o.Object_ID or conn.Start_Object_ID = o.Object_ID where LOWER(o.object_type) IN('<#Type#>')AND LOWER(o.Stereotype) IN('<#Stereotype#>') AND(LOWER(conn.Connector_Type) IN('<#ConnectorType#>')) AND LOWER(conn.Stereotype) IN('<#ConnectorStereotype#>') 


select distinct o.Object_ID AS objectid1, o.Name AS displayname1, o.ea_guid AS classguid, o.Object_Type AS basetype1, o.Stereotype AS stereotype1 , o.Name AS displaylabel , conn.Start_Object_ID AS connstartid1, conn.End_Object_ID AS connendid1, conn.Connector_Type as conType, conn.Stereotype as conStereotype from t_object o join t_connector conn on conn.End_Object_ID = o.Object_ID or conn.Start_Object_ID = o.Object_ID where LOWER(o.object_type) IN('<#Type#>')AND LOWER(o.Stereotype) IN('<#Stereotype#>') AND(LOWER(conn.Connector_Type) IN('<#ConnectorType#>')) AND LOWER(conn.Stereotype) IN('<#ConnectorStereotype#>')

In the query above, we have added a few placeholders where users can enter values and preview the results dynamically. You can write your query and create the chart as needed. 

Click Next to navigate to the Chart Settings page. 

On the Chart Settings page, users can customize the style and aesthetics of the chart. We will cover each feature in more detail later in this article. For now, click the Save button. 

Create using a report from Reports Configuration 

The Integration Map can be created using a predefined and reusable report from Reports Configuration. 

The report can be selected from the modal window which appears after selecting Charts from the Add Widget window.  

The report can also be selected by choosing Choose a Report from the How do you want to build dropdown. 

After selecting the report, choose the chart type as Integration Map. The configuration will be applied automatically. Then, click Next to navigate to the Chart Settings page. 

On the Chart Settings page, users can customize the style and aesthetics of the chart. We will cover each feature in more detail later in this article. For now, click the Save button. 

Customize Integration Map 

Users can change or configure the style and aesthetics of the chart and preview it on the ‘Customize Chart’ page. 

Chart Preview: This section will display a preview of the chart after the changes have been applied. 

Refresh Chart Preview: This feature allows you to see a live preview of the changes made in the chart settings on the current page. 

General Settings 

Modify the options related to the legend in this section. 

Field Description
Legend  Toggling this option allows users to show or hide the legend in the chart. By default, it is set as Show. 
Legend Position  Allows users to position the legends on the right top or bottom of the chart. 
Legend Title  Give a suitable title for the legend. By default, the title is set to Integration Types. 
Legend Colour Configuration  enter a suitable text and colour for the connector direction. By default, 
Provides – Outgoing (Source to Target) 
Consumes – Incoming (Target to Source) 

Configure Legend 

The legend’s name and colors are displayed based on the connector direction and they can be modified when customizing the chart settings. By default, the fields are prefilled as follows: 

  • Provides – Outgoing (Source to Target) 
  • Consumes – Incoming (Target to Source) 
  • Both 

Users can modify the text and apply different color based on their requirement. 

Integration Settings 

Modify the font size, type and text color of the node in this section. 

Field Description
Font Family  Select the font to be applied for the chart’s text and numbers. Choose the desired font for the text and numbers by clicking the dropdown. 
Font Size  Specify the font size used for the node text and numbers in the chart. 
Text Color  Select the font color that will be used for the chart’s text and numbers. Click the dropdown and choose a color from the color palette to apply to the text and numbers. 

Share Chart 

Once the chart is added as a widget in a dashboard, it can be shared with other stakeholders via a public and private URL or embedded on any web page with the help of an embedded URL. 

Click the Share button and copy the required public, private, or embed URL. 

Discussion on Chart 

Users can collaborate on the chart by clicking the Discussion button to post their comments or reply to an existing one. 


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