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Get Started with Prolaborate REST APIs

With the release of Prolaborate V5.4.0, we have published Prolaborate APIs as public APIs to allow admin to perform automated actions. Prolaborate use REST APIs, authenticate with OAuth 2.0 access tokens and return responses encoded in JSON with the HTTP response codes. 

The following actions can be performed with the help of Prolaborate REST APIs that are accessible to the public in Prolaborate V5.4.0. 

  • Create, update, and delete Prolaborate specific users. 
  • Generate sharable links for elements, diagrams, and packages. 
  • Add Repositories in Prolaborate. 

Let’s explore the steps in detail. 

Step 1: Generate Client ID and Client Secret 

Prolaborate APIs can be integrated with other applications with the help of a ‘Client ID’ (Application ID) and ‘Client Secret’ (Token) to authenticate API calls. Prolaborate offers an Open Authorization (OAuth) method to make it more secure. 


The user should be a Prolaborate administrator to generate Client ID (Application ID) and Client Secret (Token). 

Generate Security Token 

Log in to Prolaborate as an administrator. Click on Menu > Integrated Applications – Access Management under Portal Settings.

Click on Add Application. 

Enter the following details in the respective fields.

Field Description
Name  Enter a suitable name
Application ID or Client ID Enter a suitable text as Application ID (Client ID) 
Authorization Select both ‘Client Credentials’ and ‘AuthorizationCode’ from the drop-down
Scope Select both ‘OpenID’ and ‘Profile’ as Scope from the drop-down 
API Permission  Select the required Calls which you would like to access from external tools 
Generate Security Token  This option should be enabled to generate security token (Client Credentials) 
Enhance Security using PKCE  If it is Enabled in Prolaborate, the option prevents malicious attacks. It adds one more security layer to the authorization code flow in OAuth and OpenID Connect. 
Redirect URL’s  Skip this field 
Post Logout URL’s  Skip this field 

Once the values are entered, click on Save to save the configuration. 

A token (Client Secret) will be generated automatically to each Application.

Copy or download the Token and Application ID to use it. 

Regenerate Security Token 

In case if you would like to regenerate token for an Application ID follow the below guideline.  

To regenerate a token for an application, click on the Key icon. If the token is regenerated, it should be updated in all the places where the previous token is used for seamless work experience. 

Step 2: Generate Access Token 

The next step is to generate an access token based on the Client ID (Application ID) and Client Secret (Token). The access token authenticates your application when calling the Prolaborate REST APIs.  

In this example, we are showing you on how to generate access token using Postman. 

Open the Postman application and execute the following steps: 

  1. Select request type as POST. 
  1. Enter the API endpoint with your domain name as the request URL. Example: https://localhost/connect/token
  1. Navigate to the Authorization tab and select the type as Bearer Token.

4. Navigate to the Body tab. Select the x-www-form-urlencoded option and input the following request parameters.

Key Value
grant_value  client_credentials
client_id Copy & Paste the Application ID from Prolaborate
client_secret Copy & Paste the Application ID from Prolaborate

5. Click on Send to initiate the request.

Prolaborate returns an access token and the number of seconds the access token is valid. 


  1. The access token must be generated again once it expires. By default, the token will be expired after 4 minutes.
  2. To modify the token expiry time, refer to the section ‘Manage Open ID Connect Configurations’. 

Step 3: Add bearer token in APIs during request initiation

The next step is to add the bearer token to the APIs when sending a new request.  

  1. Copy the access token generated in step 2. 
  1. In the new request, navigate to the Authorization tab. Select the Auth type as Bearer Token and paste the access token in the token field. 
  1. Verify the details pasted in the API request body and then initiate the request. 


  1. The access token must be generated again once it expires. By default, the token will be expired after 4 minutes.
  2. If the Client ID or Client Secret is changed in Prolaborate, one must update the details and then generate the access token again. 

List of APIs accessible in Prolaborate 5.4

Name Method Endpoints
Create a user in Prolaborate POST  {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/AddUsersFromPortal 
Update a user detail in Prolaborate  PUT  {{scheme}}://{{ domain}}:{{port}}/api/user/UpdatePortalUserUpdate 
Delete a user in Prolaborate  DELETE  {{scheme}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/api/repository/Delete 
Create a user to a particular repository in Prolaborate  POST  {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/CreateRepositoryUsers 
Update a user detail to a particular repository in Prolaborate  PUT  {{scheme}}://{{ domain}}:{{port}}/api/user/UpdateRepositoryUser 
Remove a user from a particular repository in Prolaborate  DELETE  {{scheme}}://{{ domain}}:{{port}}/ api/user/DeleteRepUser 
Add a repository in Prolaborate  POST {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/repository/create  
Generate share URL for artifacts  GET  {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/shareurl/GetElementShare 
Generate share URL 
(Static Diagram)
GET  {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/shareurl/GetDiagramShare 

Create a new user in Prolaborate

The API will allow you to create a new user in Prolaborate. 

Method: POST 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/AddUsersFromPortal  

Example: https://localhost/api/user/AddUsersFromPortal

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Request Parameters and Its Details

Request Parameter Type Description Mandatory
FirstName String    User’s first name  Yes
LastName  String User’s last name  No
EmaiId  String Valid email ID of the user  Yes
Password  String Password for the user account. It should be of eight characters and should have number, uppercase, lowercase, and special characters (!, @, #, $, %, &, *, (, ), _, ., ;, :, ^, +)  Yes
UserType  String User type should only be ‘SYSTEM-USER’ as other user type such as Active Directory or Identity Provider cannot be created via API  Yes
UserStatus  String It can be either active or inactive  Yes
IsAdmin  Int It can be either 0 or 1. For admin user, it should be set to 1  No
IsReadOnly  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. For regular user, it should be set to 0 and for read-only user, it should be set to 1  No
IsMFARequired  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. To enforce MFA, it should be set to 1 or else set to 1  No

Request Body Example: 

"FirstName": "Andi",
"LastName": "A",
"EmailId": "",
"Password": "Andi@123",
"UserType": "SYSTEM-USER",
"UserStatus": "Active",
"IsAdmin": "1",
"IsMFARequired": "1",
"isReadOnly": 0

Response for successful user creation

If all the details are correct, the API will return a user ID of the user.

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
500 Internal Server Error 1. If the same email already exists for another user in Prolaborate.  
2. You do not have sufficient license count to create new users. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  Unable to create the user if any fields do not match the exact data type. 
400 Bad Request  If the request body does not have the mandatory information or contains any invalid JSON characters. 

Update an existing user detail in Prolaborate

The API will allow you to update the user details in Prolaborate. 

Method: PUT 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/UpdatePortalUserUpdate

Example: https://localhost/api/user/UpdatePortalUserUpdate

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Request Parameters and Its Details

Request Parameter Type Description Mandatory
UserId String ID of a user in Prolaborate and it should be a valid GUID  Yes
FirstName String    User’s first name  Yes
LastName  String User’s last name  No
EmaiId  String Valid email ID of the user  Yes
UserType  String User type should only be ‘SYSTEM-USER’ as other user type such as Active Directory or Identity Provider cannot be created via API  Yes
UserStatus  String It can be either active or inactive  Yes
IsAdmin  Int It can be either 0 or 1. For admin user, it should be set to 1  No
IsReadOnly  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. For regular user, it should be set to 0 and for read-only user, it should be set to 1  No
IsMFARequired  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. To enforce MFA, it should be set to 1 or else set to 1  No

Request Body Example: 

"UserId": "786f9bf4-b44d-4dca-a915-36f30dee7637",
"FirstName": "Andi",
"LastName": "A",
"EmailId": "",
"UserType": "SYSTEM-USER",
"UserStatus": "Active",
"IsLocked": false,
"IsAdmin": 1,
"isReadOnly": 0,
"IsMFARequired": 0  

Response for successful user update 

If all the details are correct, the API will return a user ID of the user indicating the update is successful. 

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
500 Internal Server Error If the same email already exists for another user in Prolaborate. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  Unable to update the user details if any fields do not match the exact data type. 
400 Bad Request  If the request body does not have the mandatory information or contains any invalid JSON characters. 
404 Not Found Update is unsuccessful since the user is not part of Prolaborate (i.e.) deleted from the application.

Delete an existing user in Prolaborate 

The API will allow you to dekete a user in Prolaborate. 

Method: DELETE 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/delete

Example: https://localhost/api/user/delete

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Query Parameters and Its Details

Query Parameter Type Description Mandatory
UserId String ID of a user in Prolaborate that you wish to delete, and it should be a valid GUID Yes

Query Parameter Example: 


Response for successful deletion

If all the details are correct, the API will return ‘true’ indicating the user has been deleted successfully.

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  The entered User ID in the query params is not a valid GUID. 
400 Bad Request  The query params contains invalid key. 
404 Not Found Unable to delete the user since the user is not part of Prolaborate (i.e.) already deleted from the application. 

Create a new user and add directly to a repository in Prolaborate

The API will allow you to create a new user and add him directly to a repository in Prolaborate. 

Method: POST 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/CreateRepositoryUsers  

Example: https://localhost/api/user/CreateRepositoryUsers

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Request Parameters and Its Details

Request Parameter Type Description Mandatory
FirstName String    User’s first name  Yes
LastName  String User’s last name  No
EmaiId  String Valid email ID of the user  Yes
Password  String Password for the user account. It should be of eight characters and should have number, uppercase, lowercase, and special characters (!, @, #, $, %, &, *, (, ), _, ., ;, :, ^, +)  Yes
UserType  String User type should only be ‘SYSTEM-USER’ as other user type such as Active Directory or Identity Provider cannot be created via API  Yes
UserStatus  String It can be either active or inactive  Yes
IsAdmin  Int It can be either 0 or 1. For admin user, it should be set to 1  No
IsReadOnly  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. For regular user, it should be set to 0 and for read-only user, it should be set to 1  No
IsMFARequired  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. To enforce MFA, it should be set to 1 or else set to 1  No
RepositoryId  String ID of the repository to which the user must be added directly  Yes
AssociatedGroupIds  String ID of the user groups as it denotes the list of user groups in the repository to which the user must be part. The IsDefault reflects whether the specified user group should be set as default or not.  No
AssociatedDashBoardId  String ID of the dashboard present in the repository as it denotes whether the dashboard should be set as the default   No

Request Body Example: 

"FirstName": "Andi",
"LastName": "A",
"EmailId": "",
"Password": "Andi@123",
"UserType": "SYSTEM-USER",
"UserStatus": "Active",
"UserType": "SYSTEM-USER",
"IsAdmin": "0",
"IsMFARequired": "0",
"IsReadOnly": 0,
"RepositoryId": "6da53e12-7dec-4bc2-bc92-44fc2c0792ca",
"AssociatedGroupIds": [
"IsDefault": false,
"AssociatedId": "807b3de2-b35b-4ec2-a429-09bc4bf36593"
"IsDefault": true,
"AssociatedId": "3a6a4233-773f-48af-953e-d955cbcb2b9c"
"AssociatedDashboardId": [
"IsDefault": true,
"AssociatedId": "97570a88-b786-4a71-874d-e2f1240c46d4"

Response for successful user creation

If all the details are correct, the API will return a user ID of the created user. 

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
500 Internal Server Error 1. If the same email already exists for another user in Prolaborate.  
2. You do not have sufficient license count to create new users. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  Unable to create the user if any fields do not match the exact data type. 
400 Bad Request  If the request body does not have the mandatory information or contains any invalid JSON characters. 

Update an existing user detail in Prolaborate

The API will allow you to update the user details in Prolaborate. 

Method: PUT 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/UpdateRepositoryUser

Example: https://localhost/api/user/UpdateRepositoryUser

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow)

Request Parameters and Its Details

Request Parameter Type Description Mandatory
UserId String ID of a user in Prolaborate and it should be a valid GUID  Yes
FirstName String    User’s first name  Yes
LastName  String User’s last name  No
EmaiId  String Valid email ID of the user  Yes
UserType  String User type should only be ‘SYSTEM-USER’ as other user type such as Active Directory or Identity Provider cannot be created via API  Yes
UserStatus  String It can be either active or inactive  Yes
IsAdmin  Int It can be either 0 or 1. For admin user, it should be set to 1  No
IsReadOnly  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. For regular user, it should be set to 0 and for read-only user, it should be set to 1  No
IsMFARequired  Int  It can be either 0 or 1. To enforce MFA, it should be set to 1 or else set to 1  No
RepositoryId  String ID of the repository to which the user must be added directly Yes
AssociatedGroupIds  String ID of the user groups denotes the list of user groups in the repository to which the user must be part. The IsDefault reflects whether the specified user group should be set as default or not.  No
AssociatedDashBoardId  String ID of the dashboard present in the repository as it denotes whether the dashboard should be set as the default   No

Request Body Example: 

"UserId": "7b6a47eb-201c-4adb-85c9-04b7614e2386",
"FirstName": "Andi",
"LastName": "A",
"EmailId": "",
"UserType": "SYSTEM-USER",
"UserStatus": "Active",
"UserType": "SYSTEM-USER",
"IsAdmin": "0",
"IsMFARequired": "0",
"IsReadOnly": 0,
"RepositoryId": "6da53e12-7dec-4bc2-bc92-44fc2c0792ca",
"AssociatedGroupIds": [
"IsDefault": false,
"AssociatedId": "807b3de2-b35b-4ec2-a429-09bc4bf36593"
"IsDefault": true,
"AssociatedId": "3a6a4233-773f-48af-953e-d955cbcb2b9c"
"AssociatedDashboardId": [
"IsDefault": true,
"AssociatedId": "97570a88-b786-4a71-874d-e2f1240c46d4"

Response for successful update in a repository

If all the details are correct, the API will return a user ID of the user indicating the update is successful. 

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
500 Internal Server Error If the same email already exists for another user in Prolaborate. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  Unable to update the user details if any fields do not match the exact data type. 
400 Bad Request  If the request body does not have the mandatory information or contains any invalid JSON characters. 
404 Not Found Update is unsuccessful since the user is already removed from the repository or is not part of Prolaborate (i.e.) deleted from the application. 

Remove a user from a repository in Prolaborate

The API will allow you to create a new user in Prolaborate. 

Method: DELETE 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/user/DeleteRepUser

Example: https://localhost/api/user/DeleteRepUser

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Query Parameters and Its Details

Query Parameter Type Description Mandatory
RepositoryId String ID of a repository in Prolaborate from which you wish to remove the user, and it should be a valid GUID  Yes
UserId String ID of a user in Prolaborate that you wish to delete, and it should be a valid GUID Yes

Query Parameter Example: 


Response for successful removal of user from repository 

If all the details are correct, the API will return the response as mentioned in the image below indicating the user is removed from the repository successfully. 

Please note that the user will be removed only from the mentioned repository. The user will not be deleted from the application. 

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  The entered User ID or repository ID in the query params is not a valid GUID 
400 Bad Request  The query params contains invalid key. 
404 Not Found Unable to delete the user since the user is already removed from the repository or is not part of Prolaborate (i.e.) deleted from the application. 

Add a repository in the Prolaborate

The API will allow you to add a repository in Prolaborate. 

Method: POST 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/repository/create  

Example: https://localhost/api/repository/create

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Request Parameters and Its Details

Request Parameter Type Description Mandatory
UserId  String    ID of an admin user in Prolaborate and it should be a valid GUID  Yes
Name  String Give a suitable name for the repository  Yes
Alias  String Enter a suitable alias name. The alias name should not be duplicated  Yes
Description  String Give a suitable description for this repository  No
Isenabled   Short This represents the status of the repository. Set to ‘1’ for active or ‘0’ for inactive  Yes
Model  String Give the alias name of this repository which is mentioned in Pro Cloud Server (PCS)  Yes
Protocol  String Protocol of the PCS server (HTTP or HTTPS)  Yes
Server  String  Server name or IP address where the PCS is hosted  Yes
Port  String  Port of the server where PCS is hosted  Yes
Authrequired   Short It can either ‘0’ or ‘1’. If Model Security is enabled in Enterprise Architect, it should be set as ‘1’, else ‘0’.  Yes
Username  String If Authrequired is set to ‘1’, provide the username of a user added in the model  Yes, if Authrequired is set to ‘1’, else No 
Password  String If Authrequired is set to ‘1’, provide the password for the username of a user added in the model  Yes, if Authrequired is set to ‘1’, else No 
IsVersionExplorer  Short Set to ‘1’ if you wish to enable Versions Explorer for this repository, else ‘0’  Yes

Request Body Example: 

"userId": "DDF761D0-CAE3-48E7-83DF-18998F80CD87",
"name": "The Essential Architecture Model",
"alias": "theessentialarchitecturemodel",
"description": "",
"isenabled": 1,
"model": "The Essential Architecture",
"protocol": "http",
"server": "localhost",
"port": "1804",
"authrequired": 1,
"username": "admin",
"password": "password",
"isVersionExplorer": 0,
"repositoryId": "",
"status": "active",
"oslcAccessCode": ""

Response for successful repository creation 

If all the details are correct, the API will create a new repository in Prolaborate and returns the repository ID. 

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
500 Internal Server Error 1. If the same details (alias name) already exists for another repository in Prolaborate.  
2. You do not have sufficient token to create new repository. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  Unable to create the repository if any fields do not match the exact data type. 
400 Bad Request  If the request body does not have the mandatory information or contains any invalid JSON characters. 

Generate share URLs for Artifacts 

The API will allow you to generate Public, Private, or Embed URLs of a diagram or an element or a package. 


  1. Public share and Embed share should be enabled in Repository Settings to generate those URLs. Click here to learn more on how to enable those options in Prolaborate. 

Method: GET 

End Point: {{scheme}}://{{ domain }}:{{port}}/api/shareurl/GetElementShare

Example: https://localhost/api/shareurl/GetElementShare

Authorization: Bearer Token (Refer to Access Token flow

Query Parameters and Its Details

Query Parameter Type Description Mandatory
RepositoryId String ID of a repository in Prolaborate from which you wish to generate the share URL, and it should be a valid GUID  Yes
ElementId  String GUID of a diagram or a package or an element for which you wish to generate the share URL, and it should be a valid GUID  Yes

Query Parameter Example: 


Response for successful removal of user from repository 

If all the details are correct, the API will return the response as mentioned in the image below indicating the share URLs are generated successfully. 

Response for incorrect request 

Status Codes Description
401 Unauthorized The bearer token must be expired. Generate the token and try again. 
422 Unprocessable Entity  The entered element ID or repository ID in the query params is not a valid GUID 
400 Bad Request  The query params contains invalid key. 
404 Not Found Unable to generate the URLs 

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