Dashboard of Dashboards
The new widget introduced in Prolaborate allows users to create a master dashboard. It enables organizations to build a parent dashboard that displays multiple dashboards as widgets serving as a landing page where users can navigate and view the information as needed.
Read the article on how to create master dashboard
- Prolaborate version 5.4.0 or above.
- To create a dashboard widget, the user must be an admin or part of a user group with administrative access to Dashboards.
How to Add a Dashboard as a Widget?
A dashboard can be added as a new widget in a dashboard or widgets library. Choose the Widget Type as Dashboards and click Add Widget.

All the dashboards created in the repository will be listed. Select the dashboard you wish to add as a widget and click Next.

Upload Custom Image as thumbnail for the dashboard
In the next step, users can set a thumbnail image for the widget which will be displayed in the final output. Users can either choose the actual dashboard or upload a custom image as a thumbnail.
By default, the actual dashboard will be set as thumbnail preview image.

Users can select Upload Custom Image option and choose the required image to set as the thumbnail.

- Only .png and .jpg image formats are supported.
After selecting the thumbnail image, click Next.
The preview of the image will be shown in the next step. Click Save to save the widget.

Now, open the dashboard where the widget is configured, and it will display with the preview image.

Click on the image to navigate to the actual dashboard.
Limitations in adding a Dashboard widget
- In the first step, where the dashboard must be selected, users cannot add a dashboard as a widget to its own dashboard.
- The dashboard (A) cannot be added to another dashboard (B) if the dashboard (B) is already added as a widget to the dashboard (A).
Export and Import Dashboard Widgets
From Dashboard Listing Page
When a dashboard containing dashboard widgets is exported, the dashboard and its associated resources are exported along with the selected dashboard.
To learn more about exporting dashboards, click here.
For example: If Dashboard A is added as a widget in Dashboard B, upon exporting Dashboard B from the listing page, Dashboard A is exported along with it thus retaining the resources and configuration.
Upon importing, both dashboards will be imported and then listed on the dashboard listing page.
To learn more about importing dashboards, click here.
From Widgets Library
When exporting a dashboard widget from the widgets library view, the actual dashboard and its resources are exported along with it.
To learn more about exporting widgets, click here.
Upon importing, the actual dashboard will be imported and then listed on the dashboard listing page.
To learn more about importing widgets, click here.
Limitations in exporting the Dashboard widget
Users cannot export a dashboard if it has incomplete dashboard widget configuration.