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Detailed Reports 

Can the columns displayed in the report be customized?

The columns displayed in the report will be based on the following.  

  • If MDG-based toggled is enabled, the columns displayed will be based on the form designer configured for the respective stereotype.  
  • If MDG-based toggled is disabled, the columns displayed will be based on the aliases in your SQL query syntax

How can I control the column order in a Prolaborate dashboard when using an SQL query? 

Issue: When creating a dashboard widget using an SQL query, if a user specifies an attribute other than “Name” as the first column and “Name” as the second, the “Name” column still appears first, regardless of the query order. 

Solution (Workaround): Prolaborate automatically places the “Name” column as the first column if it is clickable. To ensure the columns appear in the order specified in the query, follow this workaround: Use an alias for the “Name” column in your SQL query. This will ensure Prolaborate lists the columns according to the specified order in your query. 


  • Using an alias for the “Name” column removes its clickable functionality, meaning the properties window will not open when clicking on the name. This workaround provides control over column order but with a trade-off in functionality..

Future plans: An enhancement to address this request is planned for a future release. 


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