How to enable HTTPS connection in Pro Cloud Server?
- Download and install the 32-bit/64-bit OpenSSL utility according to the Pro Cloud application server in the default location where the PCS is installed. Click here to download the file.
- .pfx file of an SSL certificate with its password. You can get this from your IT team.
- Open the desired port for PCS in the firewall. If you are planning to configure PCS on HTTPS port 1805, you can also open it.
- Log in to the server as an administrator where Pro Cloud Server is installed.
- Copy and paste the .pfx file in the bin folder of Open SSL (typically located at C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\)
- Open the Command Prompt as an administrator and type the command below according to the installation in the machine
For 64-bit Machine: CD C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\ (location of bin file in OpenSSL installed location)
For 32-bit Machine: CD C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\ (location of bin file in OpenSSL installed location)
- If OpenSSL is installed in a different location: Replace the path in the command with the correct directory of the bin folder where OpenSSL is installed.
For example: if OpenSSL is installed in a custom directory like D:\Programs\OpenSSL\, the command would be: CD D:\Programs\OpenSSL\bin\
- Type openssl pkcs12 -in [certificate].pfx -out server.pem -nodes in the Command Prompt
[certificate] refers to the name of your .pfx file. For example, if the .pfx file name is prolaborate.pfx, the command will be
Openssl pkcs12 -in prolaborate.pfx -out server.pem -nodes
- Enter the password of the .pfx file when prompted and click Enter.

- Close the command prompt window
- server.pem file would have been generated in the same folder
- Copy the server.pem file and paste it in the Pro Cloud Server Service folder (typically located at C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Service\)
- Open SSProCloud.config file in the same folder with edit privileges
- Update the second occurrence of SERVER_PORT from 805 to 443 (Standard port number of HTTPS connection) and REQUIRE_SSL to 1

- Save and Close the SSProCloud.config file
- Restart the Sparx Systems Professional Cloud service from the Task manager
To do a quick check whether the setup was successful, enter the IP address or domain name of the server along with the port (For example, https://[PCS domain name]:[Port]) and check if you are seeing the following result.

Cloud Connection
Here are the steps to do a cloud connection.
1.Open Enterprise Architect installed on your computer
2.Once EA is open, click on Cloud Connection under Start page. The following window will open

3.Enter the detail of the model you want to open as per instructions below
Enter the detail of the model you want to open as per instructions below
Field | Description |
Name | Enter a self-explanatory name |
Protocol | Select https |
Server | Enter the domain name or IP address |
Port | Choose 443 (or) the port you have configured |
Model Name | Enter the name of the model (I.e. Alias name configured Pro Cloud Server) |
4.Click OK
5.The model will open (If Security is enabled, you will be prompted for credentials)
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