Get started with TPM from EA 17
The TPM Accelerator Technology pattern in the Latest Sparx Enterprise Architect v17 enables the
modelers and architects to configure and standardize the implementation of Technology Portfolio
Management (TPM). This pattern establishes MDG Profile Definitions, Perspective modeling, and a
Pre-defined Dashboard that aligns with TPM standards.
The TPM Accelerator Technology includes the following:
- MDG Profile Definition
- Perspective Modeling
- Pre-defined Dashboards
Steps to enable the TPM Accelerator in EA17
- Ensure the TEA Framework is enabled in the Manage Technology (Ribbon | Specialize | Manage Technology | TEA Framework)
- Open Model Builder (CTRL + SHIFT + M).
- Navigate to Enterprise Architecture | The Essential Architecture | TEA Accelerators | Right-click on the TPM Accelerator Technology | Select “Create in Project”.
MDG Profile Definitions
The MDG Profile Definition encompasses the “Technology Portfolio Management” Framework
model, which comprises TPM configurations and Workspaces. Based on your enterprise needs, this
can be extended to add more use cases, such as Business Capability Management, Application
Portfolio Management, and Strategy Management.
This package structure includes the following packages:
- Profile
- Diagram Profile
- Toolbox Profile
- TPM Workspace
- Workspace Building Blocks
The repository administrator can enhance the TPM MDG Technology file by including elements,
connectors, diagrams, and toolbox profiles according to the organization’s needs. This customization
enhances the elements, connectors (stereotypes), diagram types, and toolboxes available to the
repository’s users.
When working with this pattern, you may want to:
- Modify element or connector (stereotype) names to suit your architectural needs.
- Create additional stereotypes and their properties.
- Add new diagram types.
- Create additional toolbox entries for use with different diagram types.
The first step in the TPM Accelerator Technology practice is to import the TPM Profile Definitions as
MDG Technology into the model.
- To import the TPM technology into your model:
- Select the << mdg technology >> Technology Portfolio Management package in the Project Browser.
- Navigate to Ribbon | Specialize | Publish Technology.
- Use the “Import Package as MDG Technology” command.
- To import TPM Workspace:
- Model Builder | Perspective | Specialized | Model Technologies | Business Capability Management
- Click “Create Model(s)” to import the TPM Workspaces.
- To import Workspace, Build Blocks:
- Model Builder | Perspective | Specialized | Model Technologies | Technology Portfolio Management
- Click “Create Model(s)” to import the Workspace Building Blocks.
Perspective Modeling
The Perspective Modeling enables the administrators to define and activate a TPM perspective
within the model.
The Perspective Modeling pattern allows administrators to set a perspective on the current model.
This reduces the Core Enterprise Architect Ribbon set and menus, focusing on Technology Portfolio
Management tools.
The administrator can also set TPM perspectives for model user groups in the repository. When
working with this pattern, consider:
- Activating perspective and security if model security is enabled.
- Customizing the perspective element name to suit your architectural modeling needs.
- Creating additional ribbon categories as needed.
- Defining additional ribbon groups based on your requirements
Essential steps to configure and activate this Perspective
To activate the Technology Portfolio Management technology in the TPM Modeling <<technology set>>, ensure that the Technology Portfolio Management Technology is imported into the model.
- Configure the Security Groups associated with this Perspective:
- Drag and drop the Security Group element from the Model Perspective Toolbox into the diagram.
- Select the respective security group using the drop-down list.
- Establish a ‘linkedto’ relationship between the Perspective and Security Group, as well as between the Ribbon Set and Security Group.
- Technology Architects Security Group should be replaced by your own security group.
- If the model is security-enabled with groups, follow the steps:
- Activate the Perspective in this Mode:
- Select the TPM Modeling Perspective workspace package in the Project Browser.
- Navigate to Ribbon | Specialize | Publish Perspective.
- Right-click on ‘TPM Modeling’ in the Perspective workspace field.
- Click ‘Activate Perspective’.
- For security-enabled models, right-click on ‘TPM Modeling’ in the Perspective workspace field and click ‘Activate Perspective and security’.
Pre-defined Dashboards
The TPM Pre-defined Dashboards include Technology Portfolio Management Dashboards downloadable links with instructions, allowing users to download and configure the dashboards in the Prolaborate Portal.
This package includes: TPM Pre-defined Dashboards Diagram
The TPM Accelerator Technology pattern enhances Technology Portfolio Management by
incorporating TPM-specific pre-defined dashboards. These pre-defined dashboards help architects to
enable Insightful Analysis of IT Components, Lifecycle Road mapping, and Tailored rationalization
Perform following actions
- To Configure TPM pre-defined dashboards in the Prolaborate Portal.
- Ensure that the corresponding Enterprise Architect Repository is configured in Prolaborate.
- Verify that the user has the necessary permissions to import dashboards in the Prolaborate Portal.
- Identify the Prolaborate database type (MSSQL / MySQL)
- Import the TPM Example Model into the Enterprise Architect Repository.
- Ensure the Date Format in Prolaborate is set to DD/MM/YYYY format in the General Settings of the Prolaborate Portal.
- Download the Dashboard Zip file:
- Double Click on the URL in the TPM Pre-defined Dashboards diagram to be redirected to the dashboard download page.
- Once there, download the Dashboard Package, which contains the Prolaborate_TPMDashboard_MSSQL and Prolaborate_TPMDashboard_MYSQL zip files.
- Enable TEA-Model Add-In:
- Open the Model Builder (CTRL + SHIFT + M).
- Select Enterprise Architecture and choose “The Essential Architecture”.
- Create the TEA Model Add-In.
- Navigate to Specialize > Manage Addin.
- Enable the “TEA” Add-in and click OK.
- Synchronize the Dashboard Zip file with the TPM Example Model
- In the Project Browser, select the imported TPM Example Model package.
- Go to Specialize > TEA > Configure Dashboards.
- Choose the required Prolaborate TPM Dashboard Zip file and click OK.
- Import the Dashboard Zip file in the Prolaborate Portal
- After synchronizing the dashboard zip file with the model, open the Prolaborate Repository.
Navigate to the Dashboard page. - Select Import Dashboard, choose the synchronized dashboard zip file, and click OK.