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Sparx Services UK

Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software) is the authorised services partner for Sparx Systems in the UK, Ireland and Northern Europe. We offer a wide range of training courses, workshops and consulting services in Enterprise Architect, Prolaborate, BPMN, UML, SysML and ArchiMate. We can deliver services onsite or by webinar.

Partner's Details

Speciality Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software) provides best practice guidance to organisations to help them achieve their business goals using Enterprise Architect and Prolaborate. Our consultants have been Enterprise Architect practitioners for over 15 years. We also have expertise in BPMN business process modelling, object-oriented analysis and design with UML or SysML and enterprise architecture modelling using ArchiMate. We can advise on structuring project models in Enterprise Architect, establishing notation metamodels and documenting project standards and guidelines. We can help to design Prolaborate landing pages and dynamic dashboards to facilitate sharing of model information with a wide range of project, business and management stakeholders.
Locations United Kingdom
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